Techkon SpectroDrive Accessories

SpectroDrive Expresso Upgrade Basic to Pro: $4850.00

Expresso Software Basic
Quality control software application for the SpectroDrive. Includes:

  • Ink zone specify density display, color density for CMYK and spot colors (spectral density measurement), densitometric gray balance, dot gain, printing contrast, slur/doubling value, target values and tolerances, OK sheet, measurement data export (e.g. JDF-format), front- and reverse printing, works with any sheet format and print control strip, display of single measurements when used as hand-held device, supports up to 6 printing units
  • delivery (single license) on CD with program protection key (USB dongle)
  • includes CD with digital print control strip TCS Digital

Expresso Pro
Includes all of the functionality of Express Basic, plus:

  • ink zone specific Lab- and colorimetric Eab display, LCH, Lch, "InkCheck" recommendation for ink key setting, display and evaluation according to ISO 12647, statistical analysis and report generator, supports up to 16 printing units

TCS Digital Print Control Strip EPS file (PC and Mac), License for use on one PC
CD contains all formats

AC Adaptor with Universal Plugs
110 - 240 volt, 47 - 63 Hz, with three international plugs

Charging Control Strip
Does not include AC adaptor

Battery Pack
Rechargeable battery pack with special connector

Lamp Set
Spare lamp in socket, changing tool

Device Case
Plastic case with foam inlay

Printed version (free download of PDF version on Techkon website)

Accessories / Bundles / Upgrades / Add-ons
Spectrodrive AC Adapter w/Universal Plug in: $150.00
SpectroDrive Lamp Set: $300.00
Spectrodrive Charging control strip: $1050.00
Spectrodrive DigitalControl Strip: $250.00
SpectroDrive Battery Pack: $100.00
SpectroDrive Device Case: $100.00